Group Companies

Toyo Koken K.K
For over 60 years since its establishment,
Toyo Koken K.K. has played an active role in providing construction sites and industrial manufacturers with winches, manipulators, balancers and other labor-saving machinery, safety as well as promote efficiency. The company develops and proposes solutions to promote safety and reduce labor in many industries and fields.

Toyo Kanetsu Builtec K.K.
Toyo Kanetsu Builtec K.K. provides an array of services related to the planning, design and construction of steel-framed buildings both residential and public such as apartment buildings and welfare-related facilities. It also rents and sells gondolas, and provides a steel pipe business for construction sites.

Kankyo Research Institute Inc.
Kankyo Research Institute Inc. is active in solving customer issues around building environmental issues such as asbestos abatement, substances causing sick house, and other issues such and noise and mold mitigation. Through abundant research experience gained through collaboration with universities and other research institutes of major companies , the company is active is solving issues and providing an essential service to customers to protect the health of users.

Eco Analysis Corporation
Eco Analysis Corporation is active in the installation, maintenance and management of equipment and devices used to measure and monitor air and water quality, as well as pollutants. The Company conducts environmental surveys and assessments as well as develops systems to address environmental conditions. We can respond to customer needs flexibly and support improvement of important environmental related infrastructure around Japan.