Contact us

  1. STEP1 Enter Contact Form
  2. STEP2 Confirm Information
  3. STEP3 Send Inquiry

Please fill in the form Provided below.


*Select one of the following:

Important Notes

  1. 1.
    Responses to customer inquiries sent via this contact form are provided only for purposes of answering the customer's specific question(s).
  2. 2.
    Reuse, use for secondary purposes, or disclosure to anyone except the customer in question of any part of the answer(s) provided by Toyo Kanetsu K.K. is strictly prohibited.
  3. 3.
    When necessary, Toyo Kanetsu K.K. may respond to the customer via telephone or written letter rather than e-mail.
  4. 4.
    Toyo Kanetsu K.K. may be unable to respond if the e-mail address or telephone number provided is incorrect, if a system failure occurs, or in other such circumstances. If you do not receive a response to your inquiry, please contact us again.

I Agree to the Personal Information Usage Policy (Privacy Policy)required

(, personal information is protected as follows. This privacy policy applies only to the website.Toyo Kanetsu K.K. is not responsible for the protection of personal information employed by other websites linked to Toyo Kanetsu's website, thus please confirm the privacy policies of such websites.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Any collected personal information will be used only for the following purposes;

  • To respond to your enquiries.
  • To improve our products and services.
  • To provide information about our products and services.

The collected personal information will not be used for any other purposes without your prior consent.

Disclosure to Third Parties

The personal information collected will not be disclosed to third parties, unless required by law, etc.

Management of Personal Information

Toyo Kanetsu K.K. takes suitable measures to prevent leakage or outflow of collected personal information.

Revision of This Policy

This policy may be changed as needed according to the revision of law, etc.